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Fucking horrible.  this link leads to a video including footage of people trying to teach puppies to fight. It shows owners egging on their dogs that don’t want to fight anymore.

Don’t tell me the problem is a certain breed of dog when there are people like this out there;  out to hurt the animals that look to them for food and shelter.

Dogfighting | The Humane Society of the United States

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Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by What is above him when he shows no mercy to what is under him?  ~Pierre Troubetzkoy

I care not much for a man’s religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it.  ~Abraham Lincoln

When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him a vandal.  When he destroys one of the works of god we call him a sportsman.  ~Joseph Wood Krutch

If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.  ~St. Francis of Assisi

A and I bought a Playstation2 to function as our dvd player.  The next day, we bought a couple horror video games.  A and I have a mutual love for scaring ourselves silly, and have warm fuzzy memories of playing ‘Silent hill’ at his old apartment when we were dating.

Horror games aren’t a huge genre, they are puzzle games, a la ‘Myst’ but with the twist of being designed to creep you out.  The cover looks like this:


Last night, we turned off all the lights in the house and proceeded to scare the snot out of ourselves as we were chased by the cast of every Japanese ghost flick in the past 8 years. It was awesome.

Date nights look different for everyone.  Haunted houses and scary movies are something totally romantic for A and I. We scream, we cry, we get turned on.

The media monster wants diamonds to be a girl’s best friend (I could go into a soapbox on the diamond industry… but I won’t), they want us to find love in a steak and carriage ride.  Nothing is wrong with enjoying these things  but don’t let anyone else tell you what touches your heart.  I find some of my most romantic moments have involved much less finesse: Smashing pumkins on my ipod, a road trip, or a six pack and a zombie flick.

I hate my house.

We bought it for reasons that no longer exist.

The tile is coming up, EVERYWHERE.  Anytime I sweep or mop, everything gets stuck under and between the linoleum fragments.

dog hair. everywhere.

broken oven, broken washer, stains on every single appliance.

B.O. stink… on everything… because people and dogs sweat like mo fos and then sit on the couch.

A thinks the house is fine because the roof doesn’t leak and he mops once a month.

I am thinking about burning it down.

‘Texts from last night‘ is one of my favorite places to waste time on the internet.  Cleaning out my sentbox I found a couple pg-13 texts I’ve sent that sound great out of context:

  • “ok, be safe, the knife is still tucked next to the driver’s seat”
  • “No! I keep missing it and hitting the bad comedians!”
  • “On facebook. I can send you a FB message”
  • “Stephen King Must be cool, Wal-Mart doesn’t carry him”
  • “No… But we have rum!!!”
  • “Little grl just threatened daddy, ‘get me that dog or I’ll scream!’ I think he’s gonna cave. God, I hate brats.”
  • “Be there in 10. Not bringing dogs as they cannot ride the motorcycle.”
  • “Last night I dreamt I had car problems so you walked to work with me and on the way to Mckinney we got lost in downtown Austin. Lol.”
  • “Don’t text in the sink you proton!”
  • “Dude, Where’s my Vacuum?”
  • “Ross is weird”
  • “Hehe! Adding to the boot collection is always a plus.”

And my personal Favorite:

  • “We’ve never had sex in a tent. This should happen.”

Today I brought a great cat from my shelter out to a pet store to try and find him a home.  His name is Amadeus, and he is a dramatic solid black charmer that loooves to snuggle. I knew he’d be a cat lady magnet.

Pretty quickly he caught the eye of an eccentric woman wearing a t-shirt reading “I’m half elf!” under her waist length salt and pepper hair.   Oh! He is so friendly! she exclaimed. 

Upon reading the name tag on his cage she gasped. “Amadeus! that name is sooooo me! You know,  my last cat was named Agamemnon. I love naming my pets after Egyptian deities.” 

Today I taught my friends’ four year old how to give a ‘wet willy’.  It was really funny to watch a cute kid stick his drool covered finger into hubby A’s ear… the first time.  Soon therafter I realized what I had done. I had given power to someone to young to handle it.

If karma ever comes around, One day my kid is totally going to be cramming drool in everyone’s ear.

In no specific order….

Have abs like this:


and she’s nearly forty with 2 kids…. so I got time 🙂

I also want to get back on this:


…Post injuries, I need to rediscover the greatness that is carving on a longboard.  or my teeny little bamboo board.

I want to skate in a roller derby bout.. or maybe a few….

and lastly, I want to learn this song on the guitar:

Watching a B-level horor flick, hubby A starts telling me I look like an actress in the movie….

A: you should get a pair of shades like that girl… you and her… you both kind of….

Me: I’m hot like her?

A: no, She’s hot  like you.

Earlier today the washing machine crapped out.

The dials were all where they’re supposed to be and the universe was supposed to align. I turned it on and got nothing.

I was literally kicking the machine and whacking various parts of my body against it while cursing and muttering various exorcisms I’d picked up from all the ghost flicks I watch.   Ghost flicks I watch… WHILE FOLDING LAUNDRY…. that has been WASHED in the MACHINE that WORKS!!!!!   Yeah.

A knows how to fix the washer, it just has a short in it.  the whole time I was kicking the damn machine he was sitting five feet away from me playing a certain video game which shall not be named…. (but it rhymes with “shmirld of schmarcraft”).

“I’ll be done in ten minutes, lemme fix that” He muttered.

I, being the uber-mature spouse who does chores instead of playing video games, heaved an exasperated sigh and stomped upstairs to go stare at a wall and hate my washing machine- which usually leads to hating life.

Like I said earlier, I am a selfish b*tch.

I have an awesome husband (who does fix the washer and pretty much everything else) and a job that treats me well, and gives me lots of time off during the week.  One of my favorite blogger/acquaintances works with women who have overcome challenges that I can’t even touch.  She works for The International Princess Project in India.

While living in a safe, holistic recovery home, women who have been rescued or escaped from forced prostitution and human trafficking learn to sew Punjammies.  This program helps women learn to support themselves with skill and dignity.   They are getting the opportunity to heal in body and spirit, and live lives of freedom.

In India, women as young as six years old become sex workers due to poverty or lack of opportunity. I’m effing twenty five and… well…. I can’t even compare myself to that kind of situation.  I do, however, know that these women are human just like me.  If I can discourage sex trafficking by paying these ladies for handmade pajamas, hell yes I will!

And they are super cute too.  I’m ordering these next payday:


Nom nom.  I love the chocolatey paisley.

And the laundry is finally finished.

My boss was awesome this week, she gave me the weekend off at the very last minute.  I told her I had a bachelorette party on friday and she started laughing and said “oh no! don’t come in! I wouldn’t!”

Yay for not being a designated driver